Jeanne Hansen, LCSW
About me
Jeanné Hansen, Lead Therapist and Residency Services Coordinator, has a degree in Psychology and Philosophy and Religion from Buena Vista College in Storm Lake, IA and a Master of Social Work degree from Washington University in St.Louis. She joined SIU in November 2010. Prior to SIU she worked for the State of Illinois, The Violence Prevention Center of Southwestern Illinois and Big Brothers Big Sisters. Her professional interests include domestic violence trauma and the role exercise and nutrition can play in the treatment of individuals experiencing mental health conditions. Jeanné is the chair of the psychotherapy training committee in the SIU School of Medicine Department of Psychiatry and involved with resident supervision in psychotherapy. She teaches seminars in both Supportive and Psychodynamic Psychotherapy.
Education & training
Treatments & procedures

SIU Medicine strongly encourages all patients to verify coverage, benefits and which providers are considered in-network with their health plan. SIU Medicine has more than 300 health care providers ready to serve you and your family. SIU Medicine accepts a wide variety of governmental and non-governmental health plans to serve our community.