Clinical Trials

Clinical trials offer patients access to cutting edge cancer treatment protocols. Simmons Cancer Institute (SCI) strives to be an active participant in the development of these new standards of care. Studies at SCI encompass new approaches to cancer from prevention and screening/diagnostic modalities to advances in treatment strategies. Please contact our Clinical Research Office to determine in you have a patient that may qualify for a study.

What is a clinical trial?

A clinical trial is a study done to find new ways of helping people with different health care needs. The main goal of a cancer clinical trial is to gain facts that may help future patients fight cancer. Studies are done with cancer patients to find out whether new methods of cancer screening, prevention, diagnosis, and treatment are safe and effective. Clinical trials are voluntary research studies. This means that you can always decide to stop taking part of the study for any reason, at any time.

Why is a clinical trial important?

If a study finds a new treatment or method to be more effective and safe than current treatment, it might become the new standard for care. Clinical trials answers many important questions and may direct future research. Cancer clinical trials offer hope for many people and a chance to help researchers find better treatments for others in the future.

What to expect in a clinical trial?

Informed Consent

Patients have the right to understand all aspects of the study, including any and all risks and/or benefits that may occur during the trial. The trial should be explained to you by an authorized study personnel. If you decide to participate, you will be provided with a copy of the informed consent form. The informed consent form is a document that provides information about the study, and is a written agreement that shows your permission to participate in the study. You should be given enough time to make an informed decision. In addition, you have the right to ask as many questions as you need.

Confidentiality and Privacy

All data collected during the trial, as well as any personal health information from your medical records will be kept private. Personal health information may include details of any physical examination, blood tests, or any other medical procedure. This information is kept confidential in a secure location at all times. Any trial result printed in scientific journals cannot be linked to individual participants and your name or identifying information will never be disclosed, unless required by law. An ethics committee, as well as the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) will review the ethical and regulatory aspects of the trial.

Best Possible Care

Your clinical trial team will closely monitor your health status when you participate in a clinical trial. If you decide to withdraw your participation for any reason, you will continue to receive the best possible care from your physician. Your decision will not affect your regular medical care.

How do I find out more about clinical trials currently offered?

Call Kathy Robinson, PhD, Director of Clinical Trials at (217) 545-1946 or email