Skin and cosmetic care

    Our approach to skin and cosmetic care

    Our dermatology experts treat a range of skin and cosmetic issues, including basal and squamous cell skin cancer, melanoma skin cancer, psoriasis, stubborn acne, excessive sweating, hair loss and vascular lesions. Because SIU Medicine is an academic medical community, our primary care providers and dermatologists also work closely with plastic surgeons and other health care professionals to treat skin disorders, minimize scarring and promote healing. SIU Medicine’s Division of General Internal Medicine, the Center for Family Medicine and the Department of Pediatrics work with patients to prevent and detect skin cancers as well as manage acne, warts, skin tags and other common concerns. 

    While SIU Medicine specializes in cosmetic surgery and non-surgical cosmetic solutions, like Botox, eyelifts and breast augmentations, we truly shine in our ability to provide reconstructive and plastic surgery. The Institute for Plastic Surgery routinely cares for patients who have lost limbs, undergone a mastectomy or lumpectomy, experienced significant burns or trauma, or were born with congenital anomalies

    Specializing in skin and cosmetic care

    Latest news

    Telehealth Benefits

    Telehealth’s advantages, myths and impact on health care equity

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    Dr. Daugherty flexes the banked hand

    Innovative technique saves man's hand

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    Photo of a finger close up with ridges

    Show some love to the skin you’re in

    Healthy skin is something that everyone wants, but it requires regular maintenance to achieve. SIU Medicine staff would like to offer some simple but effective advice to keep the body's largest organ healthy and radiant.
    Patient Brenna sits with Dr. Colon to talk about 10 years of care.

    ‘Baby Brenna’ is now a growing girl

    Brenna Westlake was born in December 2011 with Harlequin Ichthyosis (HI), a very rare and sometimes fatal skin disease. Babies born with HI lack a protein that moves fats to the skin’s surface layer to create a strong barrier.

    Latest blog articles

    Sunscreen for all skin tones

    Same sun. Different shades. All at risk.

    It’s a good time of year to shed some light on myths about sunscreen. Learn more about how to protect your skin, no matter what shade you are.

    Choosing the right sunscreen

    Wearing sunscreen outdoors throughout the year, and especially during the hot summer months, is an important lifestyle habit that can protect your skin and improve your health. When used as directed

    Contact dermatitis: Causes, symptoms and prevention strategies for farmers

    It's not just cuts, scrapes, bruises and sunburns— contact dermatitis is one of the most common types of skin issues faced by farmers. Learn more about the causes and symptoms of contact dermatitis

    Aging gracefully: insights from a dermatology surgeon

    Want to look vibrant, healthy and youthful at any age? If so, taking proactive steps to protect your skin will go a long way! Here are some essential steps to maintaining healthy skin as you reach