How to pay your bill
Payment methods
Introducing a new way to pay - MobilePay
If you have a mobile phone number on file, you will receive your statement via text message.
Messages will come from the number “89-523.”
Simply click the link in the text message to pay your bill or review statement details.
Key reminders:
- You can choose to opt out at any time if you no longer want to receive text messages regarding your outstanding balances.
- Pay in full or make a partial payment using the text-to-pay link.
- Making a payment does not require a login, use of an app or the patient portal.
- Access your full statement details by entering additional information.
- If you have any issues with your bill or with your ability to use MobilePay, contact your call center right from the payment/statement area for immediate resolution.
See our FAQs section to learn more about this option.
We’re pleased to let you know that you can once again pay your health care bills online through our secure portal. Patients currently have two different logins—one for SIU Medicine (Physicians and Surgeons), and another for the SIU Center for Family Medicine. We’re actively working with the vendor to simplify this process.
- SIU Physicians and Surgeons:
- SIU Family Medicine:
Call 217-545-8000 and select 3 for patient billing
Please send payments and questions to Patient Business Services (Billing)
201 East Madison Street
PO Box 19651
Springfield, IL 62794-9651
Minimum payment expectations
SIU Medicine will collect the co-payment for the services specified by your health insurance plan. If there is a remaining balance after your insurance payment is received, you will receive an invoice for payment by mail. Learn more about our billing and collection policy here.
If you do not have health insurance, we ask for a minimum payment at the time of service.
Financial assistance programs are also available for those who qualify.
Preparing for your visit
Please bring documentation of your primary and secondary insurance carriers with you to your appointment, including the provider's address and phone number.
Due to the increasing number of plan restrictions from managed care companies, it is your responsibility to know and be able to provide:
- Your primary care doctor
- The hospital approved by your insurance plan
- The laboratory and X-ray facility approved by your plan
- Co-payment amount required by your insurance plan
- Referral for service, if applicable
MobilePay FAQ
Do I need to download an app or visit a portal to make payments?
No, there is no app to download and no portal to log into when making a payment through MobilePay. Simply pay your bill directly by clicking the link in the text message.
How will I know it’s not spam?
MobilePay texts are delivered from a short code, 89-523. The text message will appear to come from SIU Medicine or the SIU Center for Family Medicine and not a third party.

What if I do not receive a text message?
Contact the business office at 217-545-8000 and select 3 for patient billing.
If I change my mind, can I opt out of receiving MobilePay messages?
Yes, to opt out of all text communication from SIU Medicine or the SIU Center for Family Medicine, simply reply “stop” to the original text. Note: This will also stop future appointment reminders and all other text messages sent from SIU Medicine.
Will I still get paper statements?
Yes, you will continue to receive paper statements to use our other payment options.