Our approach to pediatric care
Your newborn doesn’t come with a manual, unfortunately. It’s up to parents to make sure their children are safe, happy and healthy. SIU Medicine can help. With more than 300 health care providers dedicated to healing patients and making communities healthier, we’re well-equipped to care for your newborn children.
As an academic medical community, SIU Medicine is home to providers who aren’t just skilled diagnosticians and healers. They’re also training the next generation of specialists while conducting research that has the potential to change children’s lives and restore hope. From caring for the tiniest babies in a state-of-the-art NICU helping children facing food insecurities to treating children with advanced cancers and blood disorders, pediatricians, neonatologists, family medicine doctors, child psychiatrists and pediatric surgeons collaborate to give your tiny human the most compassionate care, the most treatment options and the best outcomes.
A Medical Home is all about the patient, your child. Caring about the patient is the most important job of SIU Medicine – Pediatrics, your Patient Centered Medical Home. In this personal model of health care, your child’s primary care provider leads a team of health care professionals that collectively take responsibility for their care. They make sure your child gets the care they need in wellness and illness to heal their body, mind and spirit. Your child’s personal provider and an extended team of health professionals build a relationship in which they know you, your family situation, your child’s medical history and health issues. In turn, you come to trust and rely on them for expert, evidence-based health care answers that are suited entirely to your child and your family.