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Medical students deliver Shoes That Fit to area schools

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Shoes tied

A new pair of shoes will put a spring in your step – even in winter! 

Medical students from Southern Illinois University School of Medicine brought new footwear to McClernand Elementary School on December 2 as part of the Shoes That Fit program. About 30 children there and at Enos Elementary School received new athletic shoes and socks. 

Since 2007, the medical school has partnered with District 186 officials to provide more than 1,250 pairs of shoes to area students. The Pediatric Interest Group students raise funds within SIU and purchase the shoes as part of the national Shoes That Fit program.

View the WICS News video here.

Pictured below, left to right, SIU’s Havalen Pierce; Emma Trapp, MS2; Elahson Swanson, MS2; Erika Ward, MS4; Carmen Remolina, MS4; McClernand Principal Michelle Robertson

McClernand group

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