Tracy Milbrandt, MD
About me
Dr. Tracy P. Milbrandt is an associate professor of clinical pediatrics at SIU School of Medicine and division chief of Pediatric Primary Care. She completed a pediatrics residency and earned her medical degree at the University of Illinois College of Medicine and OSF Medical Group in Peoria, IL. She earned a bachelor's degree at Illinois Wesleyan University in Bloomington, IL. A Fellow in the American Academy of Pediatrics and board certified in pediatrics, Milbrandt provides pediatric primary care and newborn care in the Department of Pediatrics.
Education & training
Treatments & procedures

SIU Medicine strongly encourages all patients to verify coverage, benefits and which providers are considered in-network with their health plan. SIU Medicine has more than 300 health care providers ready to serve you and your family. SIU Medicine accepts a wide variety of governmental and non-governmental health plans to serve our community.
Clinical locations
Hospital privileges
- HSHS St. John's Hospital, Springfield, IL
- Memorial Health, Springfield IL
Featured In
- Spring 2015 WICS Television Interview - “Cleanliness of Indoor Playgrounds”
- Fall 2014 Radio Interview - “Enterovirus D68”
- Fall 2013 Radio Interview - “SIDS”
- Spring 2012, 2013, St. Agnes School Fitness Fair 2014 “Your Child’s Nutrition”
- Fall 2012 Radio Interview - “SIDS”
- Winter 2011 Radio Interview - “Winter Safety”
- Fall 2011 Radio Interview - “SIDS”
- Fall 2010 Radio Interview - “SIDS”
- Summer 2011 WICS Television Interview - “Infant Safety”
- Spring 2011 Radio Interview - “Stuttering”
- Winter 2010 Radio Interview - “SIDS”
- Spring 2010 WTAX Radio Interview - “Are parents of Young Children Practicing Healthy Nutrition and Physical Activity Behaviors?
- Spring 2010 Radio Interview - “Stuttering’
- Fall 2010 WICS TV Interview - “Colds and Flu in Children”
- Fall 2010 Radio Interview - “Stuttering”
- Summer 2010 “Safe at Home” Summer Promotion/ - “Sunscreen Safety”
- Spring 2010 “What’s Hoppin’n” Newsletter—St. John’s Children’s Hospital - “SIDS”
- Winter 2009 “Be Healthy Springfield”/State Journal Register’s Medical Website - “Toys for Babies”
- Winter 2009 Radio Interview WTAX - “Colds & Flu”
- Winter 2009 State Journal Register - “Colds & Flu”
- Winter 2009 “What’s Hoppin’n” Newsletter—St. John’s Children’s Hospital - “Colds & Flu”
- Winter 2009 Hometown Housecall - “Sleep Problems in Infants and Children”
- 2009-2010 The Generation Healthy “Gen H” Coalition - Member, Education Action Team
- October, 2008 Radio Interview - “SIDS”
- Summer, 2006 Parent University Newsletter - “SIDS”, Vol. 10, No. 3
- 3/14/06 Radio Interview - “SIDS”
- 7/25/06 Radio Interview - “Stuttering”
- 12/8/06 Radio Interview - “Winter Safety”