About me
Christy Hamilton holds a doctoral degree in Higher Education Administration and is a licensed clinical professional counselor (LCPC) with specialty certification as an alcohol and other drug abuse professional. Hamilton has 15 years of experience at a university-based student health center and accepted a position with Southern Illinois University School of Medicine as an Assistant Professor of Family and Community Medicine in July 2019. In addition to teaching Behavioral Science, she is involved with patient HotSpotting, is the faculty director for the Clinical and Research Experience (CARE) program for M1 students, and provides clinical counseling one day a week at the SIU Family & Community Medicine Clinic in Carbondale and is the Associate Director for Lincoln Scholars, which is the rural health doctor of medicine track.
Education & training

SIU Medicine strongly encourages all patients to verify coverage, benefits and which providers are considered in-network with their health plan. SIU Medicine has more than 300 health care providers ready to serve you and your family. SIU Medicine accepts a wide variety of governmental and non-governmental health plans to serve our community.