About me
Dr. Neil Patel started his career at SIU and joined the Pediatric Hospitalist group. He was at SIU Medicine for seven years, and in 2020, Dr. Patel decided to pursue a different career path. He started as a Pediatric Hospitalist with a Newborn focus. Dr. Patel enjoyed his work, but after three years, he realized his true passion for teaching and working in clinical informatics. Now he is back at SIU to pursue his passion for teaching, academics, research, clinical informatics, and caring for inpatient pediatric patients.
Education & training

SIU Medicine strongly encourages all patients to verify coverage, benefits and which providers are considered in-network with their health plan. SIU Medicine has more than 300 health care providers ready to serve you and your family. SIU Medicine accepts a wide variety of governmental and non-governmental health plans to serve our community.