Dr. Jo Buske talks about board certifications at SIU

Dr. Jo Buyske talks about changes to American Board of Surgery certification

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Dr. Jo Buyske, president and CEO of the American Board of Surgery, shared news of a pending change to the process of evaluating competency in general surgery residents during her presentation at the 2022 Folse-Birtch-Sumner Lectureship on May 19.

The visiting professor told SIU faculty and residents that evaluations will shift from a focus on number of cases, to a focus on measures of competency in specific “entrustable professional activities,” or EPAs. The change will be phased in over the next several years, and will alter the way general surgeons are evaluated on their path to board certification. Other specialties of surgery, such as vascular and orthopedic surgery, are likely to follow this model in the coming years. 

SIU’s Department of Surgery is well known for the innovation and advancement of surgical education in the United States. Today the Folse-Birtch-Sumner Lectureship has become a time to celebrate the Department’s founding surgeons – Dr. Roland Folse, Dr. Alan Birtch, and Dr. David Sumner. Many former and current surgery residents, fellows and faculty celebrate their legacy of hard work, dedication and strength of character. The Folse-Birtch-Sumner Lectureship funds are used each year to support the General Surgery guest lecturer.

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