Free movie night for breast & prostate cancer awareness Sept. 5
DECATUR – The public is invited to “Let’s Talk About the Big Screen: Cancer Awareness Night at the Avon,” scheduled for Thursday, Sept. 5, at the Avon Theatre, 426 N. Water St., Decatur.
Doors open at 6:30 p.m. with a free showing of “The Princess Bride” at 7 p.m. Brief opening remarks from general surgeon Dr. George Liu and urologist Dr. Robert Blackwell will highlight the importance of cancer screenings.
Decatur Memorial Foundation is co-sponsoring the event with SIU School of Medicine. Reservations to the free event are encouraged due to limited seating. Register by Sept. 2 at memorial.health//dmf-cancer-prev-night.
For more information about the event or to register by phone, call 217-876-4749.