Degenerative Disc Disease


    Degenerative disc disease occurs when spinal discs degenerate, or wear down. The discs of the spine cushion the interlocking vertebrae and act as shock absorbers for the back, allowing it to bend, flex and twist. Discs break down over time as a natural part of the aging process. 

    Spinal discs are composed of two layers – a tough, firm outer layer and a soft, jelly-like core.  Small tears in the outer layer may cause the soft material in the center to leak out, causing a disc to bulge or rupture. This is a leading cause of back pain, primarily in the lower back and the neck. However, not everyone who has degenerative disc disease experiences pain.

    Surgery may be considered when patients do not respond to conservative treatment and are severely limited in performing activities of daily life. Discectomy or spinal fusion surgeries can reduce pain by stopping the motion at a painful segment of the spine. The disc is removed from between two vertebrae, then the vertebrae are fused together in a spinal fusion surgery. This procedure is performed through a single incision in the back.

    Our providers


    Janae Ballard, DNP, FNP-C

    Nurse Practitioner Neurosurgery
    747 N. Rutledge Street 2nd floor Springfield, IL 62702

    Kami Harless, MD

    Physician Family Medicine
    1600 East Clear Lake Avenue Springfield, IL 62703

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    Breakthrough tech

    Continually teaching the next generation of doctors, our physicians use the latest developments in procedures and technologies for our patients.