Inspire Sleep Apnea Innovation
Inspire works with just the click of a button to treat the underlying cause of sleep apnea. It is the only FDA-approved obstructive sleep apnea treatment to work inside your body instead of with a mask or hose. Learn more, here.
These are the basic qualifications for Inspire:
- You have moderate to severe obstructive sleep apnea
- You are unable to use or get consistent benefits from CPAP
- You are not significantly obese
- You are age 18 or above
Better Sleep with Inspire
One of SIU Medicine's pulmonologists will see you for an assessment to make sure you meet the criteria for Inspire.
After the assessment, you will see an otolaryngologist specializing in the Inspire procedure. Who will perform a sleep endoscopy to see how your airways collapse. If there is an appropriate collapse the surgery will be scheduled for Inspire to be implanted.
To request an appointment, please call 217-545-8000 and request a "sleep surgery evaluation" through pulmonology.
Please contact your insurance provider to see if Inspire is covered. If covered, approval could take a few days or a few weeks.
Once you've had the procedure, you will have a follow-up with your Pulmonologist to turn Inspire on. Some adjustments may be needed.
Our providers
Frequently asked questions
- Bring any questions you have about the procedure.
- Be prepared to discuss struggles with using a CPAP or sleep-related topics, such as:
- Sleep anxiety
- Insomnia
- Any sleep medication you are taking
There are three simple steps to sleeping with Inspire:
• Receive an airway exam
• Get the Inspire procedure
• Activate Inspire and confirm the settings
- The Inspire airway exam only takes about 20 minutes.
- While you’re asleep, with help from a short-acting medication, a camera records the ways in which your airway opens and closes.
- This routine and non-surgical exam will help the doctor decide if Inspire is right for you.
- The Inspire procedure only takes about two hours in a same-day, outpatient setting.
- Just two small incisions, and the device is implanted.
- Most patients take pain medication (over-the-counter) and can get back to non-strenuous activities after just a few days.
- Within a few weeks, patients can resume more strenuous activities.
- Inspire sends a very mild and gentle pulse to the motor nerve.
- This nerve controls your tongue and the pulse, which shouldn't be painful or uncomfortable, helps the tongue to move forward and get out of the way.
- Your sleep should not be disrupted.
- Your activities should not be limited with Inspire.
- Inspire can withstand MRI on the head, neck and extremities.
- Patients with pacemakers are not disqualified from using Inspire.
- The extent of scarring is based on the individual patient's skin tone and their own healing process.
- Two or three incisions are made: one under the chin and another below the collarbone.
- Some patients may have another incision on the side of the rib cage.
- Inspire's battery is designed to last up to 11 years.
- When needed, a new battery will be implanted in another quick outpatient procedure.
Your doctor should check in on the Inspire device once or twice a year.
Patients who have an Inspire Model 3028 are eligible for MRI scans as long as specific conditions are followed.
If you have an Inspire Model 3024, you are not eligible for MRI scans.
To find out what type of Inspire Model you have, please contact your doctor or look at your Patient ID card. There is a YELLOW MR TRIANGLE on the back of the Patient ID Card.
If the back of your Patient ID Card does not have the YELLOW MR TRIANGLE, you have the Inspire Model 3024 and are not eligible for MRI scans. It is important to note that all Inspire patients are eligible to have CT scans, X-Rays and ultrasound images taken anywhere in the body.
For more information on MRI Guidelines, please click here.
If you still have questions contact your doctor.
Continually learning
With a focus on continual improvement, our doctors take the time to research, study and innovate to provide the latest treatments for our patients.
Patient-first experience
Our care ranges from primary care physicians to specialists and sub-specialists who have advanced training. We're here for you when you need us.
Breakthrough tech
Continually teaching the next generation of doctors, our physicians use the latest developments in procedures and technologies for our patients.