
Notification of a Potential Data Security Incident

Dear Madam/Sir: The Southern Illinois University School of Medicine, (“SIU”) is providing notice pursuant to 815 ILCS 530/25 in connection with an incident that may have involved the personal information of certain Illinois residents. This notice will be supplemented, if necessary, with any new significant facts discovered subsequent to its submission. While SIU is notifying you of this incident, SIU does not waive any rights or defenses relating to the incident or this notice. NATURE OF THE INCIDENT AND CORRECTIVE ACTIONS TAKEN SIU recently discovered that an unknown, unauthorized third party

New research internship opportunities at Smith Alzheimer's Center

The Smith Alzheimer’s Center at SIU Medicine is offering two new lab internship opportunities for undergraduate college students in 2025. Selected students will explore cutting-edge research associated with Alzheimer’s disease. The nine-week internships run from June 2 through Aug. 1. “We’re excited to launch this new opportunity for young researchers interested in learning more about aging and Alzheimer’s disease,” said Erin Hascup, PhD, executive director of the Smith Alzheimer’s Center. “This provides a direct, hands-on experience for future scientists to advance their journey toward
Internal Medicine

A Phase 1 Study of SGN-B6A in Advanced Solid Tumors

Active recruiting

This trial looks at a drug called sigvotatug vedotin (SGN-B6A) alone and with pembrolizumab, with or without chemotherapy, to find out whether it is safe for people who have solid tumors (NSCLC, HNSCC).


A Randomized Open-Label Phase 2/3 Study of BT8009 Monotherapy or in Combination in Participants with Locally Advanced or Metastatic Urothelial Cancer (Duravelo-2)

Active recruiting

The main objective of the study is to measure how safe and effective BT8009 (zelenectide pevedotin) is when used alone and in combination with pembrolizumab in participants with locally advanced or metastatic urothelial cancer (UC).

Internal Medicine

THRIVE- THerapeutic IntravasculaR Ultrasound (TIVUS™) REnal Denervation System vs. Sham for the Adjunctive Treatment of Hypertension

Active recruiting

The purpose of this clinical trial is to assess whether a medical device called the TIVUS System can lower high blood pressure in patients who are known to have hypertension. 

Eligible patients include those who currently have a diagnosis of high blood pressure despite having taken or currently taking anti-hypertensive medications.

Internal Medicine

Radiance US GPS: The Global Paradise® System US Post Approval Study

Active recruiting

The purpose of this clinical study is to evaluate the real-world use of the Paradise Ultrasound Renal Denervation System indicated for patients who are unable to lower their blood pressure with lifestyle changes and medication.

Eligible patients include those who currently have a diagnosis of high blood pressure despite having taken or are currently taking anti-hypertensive medications.


Simmons Cancer Institute accepting research internship applications

Applications for summer lab internships at Simmons Cancer Institute are being accepted through February 21. Four positions are open to qualified college students planning careers in medicine or research.

Simmons Cancer Institute accepting research internship applications

Applications for summer lab internships at Simmons Cancer Institute are being accepted through February 21. Four positions are open to qualified college students planning careers in medicine or research.

Simmons Cancer Institute accepting research internship applications

Applications for summer lab internships at Simmons Cancer Institute are being accepted through February 21. Four positions are open to qualified college students planning careers in medicine or research.

Simmons Cancer Institute accepting research internship applications

Applications for summer lab internships at Simmons Cancer Institute are being accepted through February 21. Four positions are open to qualified college students planning careers in medicine or research.
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