Flexible Spending Accounts: Voluntary Pre-Tax Benefits
Medical Care Assistance Plan (MCAP)
Allows the employee to save tax dollars on health care expenses, such as eyeglasses, crowns and bridgework, and medical deductibles, that are not fully covered by the state-paid health and dental plans.
Dependent Care Assistance Plan (DCAP)
Provides for coverage of child or elder care expenses with tax-free dollars.
MCAP allows for payroll deductions from $240 to $2550 per year. DCAP allows for payroll deductions from $240 to $5000 per year. The plan year runs from July 1 through June 30. Employees may enroll in the MCAP/DCAP program during the Benefit Choice period each year. Employees may only participate in these plans during months they are on payroll.
Since federal regulations require that any unused money in DCAP accounts must be forfeited at year end, employees should avoid depositing amounts in excess of projected expenditures. MCAP participants may be eligible for a rollover of any unused money of up to $500.
For more information, please visit the State of Illinois' Benefit Choice website.