Title IX Policy
Title IX of the Education Amendments and SIU policy prohibits discrimination in the provisions of services of benefits offered by the University based on gender. Any person (student, faculty or staff) who believes that discriminatory practices have been engaged in based upon gender may discuss their concerns and file complaints of possible violations of Title IX by contacting the following:
Kay W. Doan
Title IX Coordinator
483 Woody Hall Mail Code 4316
Southern Illinois University Carbondale
Carbondale, Illinois 62901
Phone: 618-453-4807
Fax: 618-453-1395
To review the Title IX Policy, click here.
Sexual Harassment Policy and Prevention
Sexual harassment can be defined as any unwelcome sexual advances, request for sexual favors and other verbal and physical conduct of a sexual nature. It includes instances when such conduct is indicated to be a term or condition of an individual's academic or employment decisions, interferes with an individual's academic or employment performance or creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive academic or employment environment. Sexual harassment can be as subtle as a look or as blatant as rape. It can occur within and beyond the classroom and workplace. Although the perception is that harassers are usually males, persons of either sex can be victims or harassers. Harassment usually involves a member of the opposite sex but can also involve two persons of the same sex. Sexual harassment, like harassment on the basis of race or religion, is a form of discrimination expressly prohibited by law. It is a violation of Title VII of the Federal 1964 Civil Rights Act and Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972 and a civil rights violation of the Illinois Human Rights Act.
All members of the School of Medicine community are encouraged to speak out when they see, hear of, or experience incidents of sexual harassment. Contact the Office of Human Resources, Teresa Smith at 217-545-5646. SIU Employees click here for more information.
American Disabilities Act
For more information on our accommodations, click here.